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Coquería Jordi Al Nin


La Coqueria Jordi al Nin was born in 2012 with the idea of recovering home made homemade homemade food. One of our most typical products are the “cocas” with potato dough, but we also elaborate other products we also elaborate other products: Traditional cocas made in a wood-fired oven.

We have two types of cocas, those made with potato dough and those called “pasta buena”. are called “pasta buena”.
Our star product is the potato dough coca, made with boiled potato, water, flour, yeast and oil, water, flour, yeast and oil. This dough, as our ancestors have explained to us
This dough, as our ancestors have explained to us, was made this way because, in addition to using products that they had in abundance, like the potato, it made that the cocas lasted longer without drying out. without drying out.

Nowadays, this dough is no longer made in many places, but it is still found in some towns of the Marina Alta. in some towns of the Marina Alta, such as Jesús Pobre, Pedreguer and Ondara.
Ondara. During the twelve years that we have been working in our company, we have recovered this tradition and we have made it known to many young people who did not know it and to many
and to many older people who did not remember it and are delighted to taste it. to savor it.

The recipe we use for the coca dough is the same as the one our grandmothers used the ingredients that complete the coca are fruits and vegetables from the land, homemade sausages and vegetables, homemade sausages and anchovies, as tradition dictates.